transmission pulse

英 [trænzˈmɪʃn pʌls] 美 [trænzˈmɪʃn pʌls]

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  1. Numerical Simulation of Input Transmission Tower Structure Pulse Wind Based on Modified Von-karman Spectrum Input
  2. The low jitter transmission of pulse signals is realized by direct RF-modulation based on PLL frequency modulation.
  3. Global qualitative analysis of a new SIR epidemic disease model with vertical transmission and pulse vaccination
  4. Study of electrical soliton as transmission pulse for UWB communication
  5. An SIR Epidemic Disease Model with Vertical Transmission and Pulse Vaccination
  6. The results from the technique indicate that the transmission of pulse relies on the instantaneous intensity, and the initial energy of pulse.
  7. The transmission of partially polarized and partially coherent light pulse was discussed. It is shown that in the process of the transmission of light pulse, the matrix elements are independent and satisfy the partially coherent light pulse propagation law.
  8. A new flow-detecting meter, which combines the common water meter with electronic technology has been developed. It digitalizes the water meter flow and carries long distance transmission by pulse flow converter and digital display.
  9. In this pager, the self-phase modulation effect in gain saturated semiconductor optical amplifier and its affect on the shape, phase and spectrum of transmission pulse are analyzed.
  10. The paper introduces three basic working styles of signal transmission of mud pulse MWD sys tern, pressure positive pulse, pressure negative pulse and continuous pressure wave.
  11. In soliton transmission, optical pulse loses soliton characteristic be-cause of decrease of optical field induced by loss in optical fiber.
  12. Based on simulation, the characteristics and mechanisms of failure on a deep sub-micron grounded-gate NMOS ( GGNMOS) are studied under TLP ( transmission line pulse) stress.
  13. In dispersion decreasing fiber, the effect of initial chirp on the quality of soliton-effect compression is analyzed by simulating the transmission of picosecond pulse numerically.
  14. A fiber optic analogue transmission system for pulse signal in strong electromagnetic is introduced.
  15. A selection method of the structure of reversible transmission system with pulse electric current and a design oJ digital regulator are put forward and the results of emulating study are also given.
  16. The influence of polarization mode dispersion ( PMD) on the transmission of pulse at 40 Gbit/ s is investigated by nonlinear coupled equation.
  17. A study on transmission of a pulse signal along the long cable
  18. Long Distance Optical Soliton Transmission with Large Pulse Duty Ratio and Large Amplifier Spacing Using Phase Conjugation and Dispersion Allocation
  19. Study on the Transmission of Laser Pulse in Non-chirped Fiber Grating
  20. Studies on Stable Transmission of Optical Pulse in Inhomogeneous Fiber Systems
  21. According to the process of design, the device includes: the collection of the pulse signal 、 the transmission of the pulse signal 、 the digital signal processing of the pulse.
  22. Transmission of Rectangular Pulse Modulated Signal Through Waveguide and Measurement of the Signal Frequency by Waveguide Time-Delay Method
  23. The dispersion relation of the optical field close to the photonic band gap in fiber gratings is obtained through theoretical analysis and numerical simulation. The phase velocity, group velocity and group velocity dispersion ( GVD) of the transmission pulse are analyzed.
  24. In Section 4.1 and Section 4.2, delay SEIR and SEIRS epidemic disease models with vertical transmission and pulse vaccination are discussed, respectively.
  25. The capillary discharge device is a very complex system that includes the sections of discharge pulse generation, current pulse transmission, predischarge pulse generation and detection.
  26. In order to transmit pulse signal uniformly on the time domain, IR-UWB system uses the time-hopping sequence to control the transmission of pulse.
  27. The transmission of normal pulse in fiber is reviewed and analyzed, including the effects of loss, dispersion and nonlinear on pulse.
  28. Transmission pulse oximeter has been used widely in clinical and family health care which can realize non-invasive oxygen saturation detection.
  29. Focused on the linear coupling coefficient between mode dispersion coefficient, the input pulse power and Raman scattering parameters caused by changes in the transmission of pulse waveform changes, analyze the causes, of the above on impulse transmission importance.